# Again ![Endless tunnel](https://media1.giphy.com/media/dIen8RhXrzox5Yvq0h/giphy.gif) Again, or agn., is a Max package for creating perfectly looping animations and export them as PNG frames, GIFs or WEBM files. It consists of three abstrations: - [agn.host] is the brain of the package. It generates synchronized bangs, triggers rendering and PNG exports. - [agn.remote] gives access to current state in various forms (render bang, phase, frame number, render/export flags...) - [agn.convert] helps to convert exported PNGs into GIF or WEBM. ## How to install 1. [Download the .zip](https://git.tflcl.xyz/tfl/again/archive/master.zip) of this repo (or clone it). 2. Unzip the archive. 3. Place the `again` folder inside of your Max Packages folder (usually in ~/Documents/Max/Packages) ## How to use In the Max menu bar, click 'Extra', then 'again'. Click the objects to open their help files, and explore the provided example patchers.