/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ /* This js file is meant to be used in Cycling'74 Max for the [jsui] object. It is designed to mimic [preset], but better. Copyright (C) 2024 Théophile Clet - https://tflcl.xyz. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ autowatch = 0; // When developping, autowatch = 1 isn't enough. You also need to manually call the loadbang function, and then re-binding the pattrstorage. // A "loadbang, pattrstorage test" message does the trick. inlets = 1 setinletassist(0, "Connect to the linked pattrstorage"); outlets = 4; setoutletassist(0, "Outputs last triggered action"); setoutletassist(1, "Connect to umenu to list stored presets"); setoutletassist(2, "Connect to textedit to edit preset name"); setoutletassist(3, "Connect to toggle to show active presets lock state") mgraphics.init(); mgraphics.relative_coords = 0; mgraphics.autofill = 0; // LOOK var slot_size = 14; var slot_round = 0; var slot_round_ratio = 0; var margin = 4; var spacing = 4; var font_size = 14; var font_name = "Arial"; var background_color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1]; var empty_slot_color = [0.349, 0.349, 0.349, 1]; var active_slot_color = [0.808, 0.898, 0.910, 1]; var stored_slot_color = [0.502, 0.502, 0.502, 1]; var interp_slot_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8]; var text_bg_color = [1,1,1, 0.5]; var text_color = [0.129, 0.129, 0.129, 1]; var color_1 = [0.743, 0.41, 0.501, 1]; // Color set for the filled slots. I don't like how this is declared. More info in color_wheel() declaration var color_2 = [0.679, 0.405, 0.669,1]; var color_3 = [0.527, 0.459, 0.756, 1]; var color_4 = [0.367, 0.542, 0.712, 1]; var color_5 = [0.283, 0.606, 0.559, 1]; var color_6 = [0.316, 0.616, 0.377, 1]; var color_wheel_default = [color_1, color_2, color_3, color_4, color_5, color_6]; var color_wheel_custom = color_wheel_default.slice(); var color_wheel_size = 6; // FEEL var layout = 0; // 0: grid mode (same as [preset]). 1: list mode var display_interp = 1; // Enable/disable the UI feedback when interpolating between presets var ignore_slot_zero = 1; // Makes previous_active_slot and interpolation display to ignore slot 0. Can be usefull when using slot 0 as a temporary step for interpolation. var auto_writeagain = 0; // When enabled, will send a "writeagain" to pattrstorage any time a preset is stored/deleted/moved/renamed/(un)locked var menu_number_only = 0; // Populates the umenu connected to 2nd outlet with stored preset number only, instead of number and name var scrollable = 0; // Defines weither the object can be scrolled or not var min_rows = 10; // Minimum number of rows to display if scrollable is enabled var color_mode = 0; // Change the way the filled slots (stored presets) color is handeld. 0: stored_slot_color. 1: looping through color_1 to color_6. 2: Freely assign colors 1 to 6. 3: Set any color to any preset var select_mode = 0; // 0: single click to select and recall the slot. 1: single click to select the slot, double click to recall it. var send_name = "none"; // The global name to send presets dict name to (received by the [receive] object) // (WORK) var pattrstorage_name, pattrstorage_obj = null; var columns, rows = 0; var slots = []; // Stores on screen box, name, lock and interpolation state for all slots var slots_highest = 0; // Highest filled preset slot number var slots_count_display = 0; // Number of slots to be displayed var filled_slots = []; // List of stored slots var filled_slots_dict = new Dict(); var active_slot = 0; //Last recalled slot var previous_active_slot = 0; //Previously recalled slot var previous_target = 0; //Here to deal with ongoing interpolations var selected_slot = 0; //Last selected slot. Relevant especially when select_mode = 1. Otherwise it is the same as active_slot var ui_width = box.rect[2] - box.rect[0]; var ui_height = box.rect[3] - box.rect[1]; var bg_width, bg_height = 0; var mg = new MGraphics(ui_width, ui_height); var base_drawing; var is_painting_base = 0; var half_slot_size, half_margin, half_spacing; var last_x, last_y, last_hovered = -1; var y_offset = 0; // handle scrolling var drag_scroll = 0; // handle scrolling when dragging outside of boundaries var shift_hold, option_hold = 0; var is_interpolating = 0; var is_dragging = 0; // Drag flag var drag_slot = -1; // Stores the slot that's being dragged var is_writing = 0; // Keeping track of various variables for dealing with color modes var requested_slot = -1; // Which slot we're waiting a value for (used in get_all_preset_colors) var color_mode_candidate = 0; // Which color mode we're aiming var is_listening_to_subscriptionlist = 0; //Filters out received subscriptionlist messages when not updating slot color values var is_listening_to_clientlist = 0; //Filters out received clientlist messages when not updating slot color values var color_pattr; var has_loaded = false; if (jsarguments.length>1) { // Depreciated, use "pattrstorage" attribute instead of jsarguments. pattrstorage_name = jsarguments[1]; } // FUNCTIONS function slot(left, top, right, bottom, name, lock, interp, color_index, color_custom) { this.left = left; this.top = top; this.right = right; this.bottom = bottom; this.name = name; this.lock = lock; this.interp = interp; this.color_index = color_index; this.color_custom = color_custom; this.init = function() { this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.name = null; this.lock = 0; this.interp = -1; this.init_color(); } this.init_color = function() { this.color_index = 0; this.color_custom = stored_slot_color; } this.clear = function() { this.name = null; this.lock = 0; this.interp = -1; this.color_index = 0; this.color_custom = stored_slot_color; } } function loadbang() { // post("loadbang\n"); has_loaded = true; find_pattrstorage(pattrstorage_name); calc_rows_columns(); } function calc_rows_columns() { half_margin = margin / 2; half_spacing = spacing / 2; half_slot_size = slot_size / 2; slots[0] = new slot(0, 0, 0, 0, "(tmp)", 0, -1, 0, stored_slot_color); // Slot 0 is valid, but not represented in the GUI (and never saved by pattrstorage) if (layout == 0) { columns = Math.floor((ui_width - margin + spacing) / (slot_size + spacing)); rows = Math.floor((ui_height - margin + spacing) / (slot_size + spacing)); if (scrollable) { rows = Math.max(rows, Math.max(min_rows, Math.ceil(slots_highest/columns))); } } else { columns = 1; rows = Math.floor((ui_height - margin + spacing) / (slot_size + spacing)); if (scrollable) { rows = Math.max(rows, Math.max(min_rows, slots_highest)); } } slots_count_display = columns * rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var top = margin + i * (spacing+slot_size); var bottom = top + slot_size; for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) { var left = margin + j * (spacing+slot_size); var right = left + slot_size; var cur = 1 + i * columns + j; var prev_state = new slot(); prev_state.init(); if (typeof slots[cur] !== 'undefined') { prev_state = slots[cur]; } slots[cur] = new slot(left, top, right, bottom, prev_state.name, prev_state.lock, prev_state.interp, prev_state.color_index, prev_state.color_custom); } } paint_base(); } calc_rows_columns.local = 1; function draw_slot(id, scale, cont) { scale = typeof cont !== 'undefined' ? scale : 1; // Sets scale to 1 by default if not passed as argument cont = typeof cont !== 'undefined' ? cont : mgraphics; // Sets drawing context to mgraphics by default if not passed as argument var offset = slot_size * (1 - scale); if(is_painting_base) { draw_slot_bubble(slots[id].left * scale, slots[id].top *scale, slot_size * scale, slot_size * scale, cont); } else { draw_slot_bubble(slots[id].left + offset, slots[id].top + offset, slot_size * scale, slot_size * scale, cont); } cont.fill(); if (layout == 1) { // slot text background var bg_txt_pos_x = margin + slot_size + spacing; var bg_txt_pos_y = slots[id].top; var bg_txt_dim_w = ui_width - (2*margin + slot_size + spacing); var bg_txt_dim_h = slot_size; if (slots[id].name != null) { cont.set_source_rgba(stored_slot_color); } else { cont.set_source_rgba(empty_slot_color); } // slot name cont.set_font_size(font_size*scale); var text = format_slot_name(id); if (is_painting_base) { draw_text_bubble(bg_txt_pos_x * scale, bg_txt_pos_y * scale, bg_txt_dim_w * scale, bg_txt_dim_h * scale, text, cont); } else { draw_text_bubble(bg_txt_pos_x + offset, bg_txt_pos_y + offset, bg_txt_dim_w * scale, bg_txt_dim_h * scale, text, cont); } } } draw_slot.local = 1; function draw_slot_bubble(x, y, w, h, cont) { cont = typeof cont !== 'undefined' ? cont : mgraphics; // I assume rectange is faster to draw than rectangle_rounded. Btw rectangle_rounded is wacky when showing interpolation. Maybe *interp on the first slot_round could solve this? if (slot_round) { cont.rectangle_rounded(x, y, w, h, slot_round_ratio * w, slot_round_ratio * h); } else { cont.rectangle(x, y, w, h); } } draw_slot_bubble.local = 1; function draw_text_bubble(x, y, w, h, text, cont) { cont = typeof cont !== 'undefined' ? cont : mgraphics; // slot text background cont.rectangle_rounded(x, y, w, h, 4, 4); cont.fill(); var text_dim = cont.text_measure(text); var txt_pos_x = x + spacing; var txt_pos_y = y + (text_dim[1] + h)/2 - text_dim[1]*0.18; cont.set_source_rgba(text_color); cont.move_to(txt_pos_x, txt_pos_y); cont.show_text(text.toString()); } draw_text_bubble.local = 1; function format_slot_name(id) { var text = id; // If slot is locked, add brackets around its number if (slots[id].lock == 1) { text = '[' + text + ']'; } // If slot has a name, append it to the preset name if (slots[id].name != null) { text += ': ' + slots[id].name; } text = text.toString(); return text; } format_slot_name.local = 1; function paint_base() { // We draw all slots (empty and stored ones) so we don't have to for every redraw // post("paint_base\n"); is_painting_base = 1; // Background bg_width = layout == 0 ? columns * (slot_size + spacing) - spacing + 2 * margin : ui_width; bg_height = rows * (slot_size + spacing) - spacing + 2 * margin; mg = new MGraphics(ui_width*2, bg_height*2); with(mg) { set_source_rgba(background_color); rectangle(0, 0, bg_width*2, bg_height*2); fill(); select_font_face(font_name); set_font_size(font_size); // All slots for (var i = 1; i <= slots_count_display; i++) { if (i != drag_slot) { //We mask the slot that is currently dragged as it is drawn at the mouse position already if (slots[i].name != null) { if (color_mode == 1) { set_source_rgba(color_wheel_custom[i % color_wheel_size]); } else if (color_mode == 2) { set_source_rgba(color_wheel_custom[Math.abs(slots[i].color_index) % color_wheel_size]); } else if (color_mode == 3) { set_source_rgba(slots[i].color_custom); } else { set_source_rgba(stored_slot_color); } } else { set_source_rgba(empty_slot_color); } draw_slot(i, 2, mg); } } } is_painting_base = 0; update_umenu(); base_drawing = new Image(mg); mgraphics.redraw(); } paint_base.local = 1; function paint() { // Handling Presentation mode enable/disable var cur_size = mgraphics.size; if (cur_size[0] != ui_width || cur_size[1] != ui_height) { onresize(cur_size[0], cur_size[1]); } else { // post("redraw\n"); with (mgraphics) { select_font_face(font_name); set_font_size(font_size); translate(0, y_offset); // Draw the base, which includes empty and filled slots // It is first rendered at twice the size in order to make texts look nice and cripsy on hidpi discplays // So we need to scale it down here scale(0.5, 0.5); image_surface_draw(base_drawing); scale(2, 2); set_line_width(1); // Active slot if (is_dragging == 0 && active_slot > 0 && active_slot <= slots_count_display) { set_source_rgba(active_slot_color); if (color_mode) { draw_slot_bubble(slots[active_slot].left+1.5, slots[active_slot].top+1.5, slot_size-3, slot_size-3); set_line_width(3); stroke(); } else { draw_slot_bubble(slots[active_slot].left, slots[active_slot].top, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); } } // Previous active slot if (is_dragging == 0 && previous_active_slot > 0 && previous_active_slot <= slots_count_display) { set_source_rgba(active_slot_color[0], active_slot_color[1], active_slot_color[2], active_slot_color[3] * 0.5); if (color_mode) { draw_slot_bubble(slots[previous_active_slot].left+1.5, slots[previous_active_slot].top+1.5, slot_size-3, slot_size-3); set_line_width(3); stroke(); } else { draw_slot_bubble(slots[previous_active_slot].left, slots[previous_active_slot].top, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); } } //Hide dragged slot if (is_dragging) { set_source_rgba(empty_slot_color); draw_slot_bubble(slots[drag_slot].left, slots[drag_slot].top, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); } // Selected slot if (selected_slot > 0 && selected_slot <= slots_count_display) { set_source_rgba(active_slot_color); set_line_width(1); draw_slot_bubble(slots[selected_slot].left - 0.5, slots[selected_slot].top - 0.5, slot_size + 1, slot_size + 1); stroke(); } // Interpolated slots if (is_dragging == 0 && display_interp && is_interpolating) { for (var i = 1; i <= slots_count_display; i++) { var interp = slots[i].interp; if (interp >= 0) { set_source_rgba(interp_slot_color); draw_slot_bubble(slots[i].left, slots[i].top, slot_size, slot_size); stroke(); draw_slot_bubble(slots[i].left, slots[i].top + slot_size * (1-interp), slot_size, slot_size * interp); fill(); } } } // Hovered slot if (last_hovered > -1) { if (shift_hold) { if (option_hold) { // About to delete set_source_rgba(empty_slot_color[0], empty_slot_color[1], empty_slot_color[2], 0.8); draw_slot_bubble(slots[last_hovered].left + 1, slots[last_hovered].top + 1, slot_size-2, slot_size-2); fill(); } else { // About to store set_source_rgba(active_slot_color[0], active_slot_color[1], active_slot_color[2], 0.7); draw_slot_bubble(slots[last_hovered].left + 1, slots[last_hovered].top + 1, slot_size-2, slot_size-2); fill(); } } // Slot border set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.8); draw_slot_bubble(slots[last_hovered].left, slots[last_hovered].top, slot_size, slot_size); stroke(); if (layout == 0) { //Text (slot number and name) var text = format_slot_name(last_hovered); var text_dim = text_measure(text); // If the text is too big or a slot is being dragged, display the text on top of the next slot. // Otherwise, it gets displayed on the hovered slot. var bg_txt_dim_w = text_dim[0] > slot_size ? text_dim[0] + 4 : slot_size + 4; var bg_txt_dim_h = text_dim[1] > slot_size ? text_dim[1] + 4 : slot_size + 4; var bg_txt_pos_x = text_dim[0] > slot_size || is_dragging ? slots[last_hovered].left + slot_size + 2: slots[last_hovered].left - 2; var bg_txt_pos_y = text_dim[1] > slot_size || is_dragging ? slots[last_hovered].top - 2 : slots[last_hovered].top - 2; // If there is not enough place, text is displayed on the left if (bg_txt_pos_x + bg_txt_dim_w > ui_width) { bg_txt_pos_x = slots[last_hovered].left - half_spacing - bg_txt_dim_w; } var txt_pos_x = text_dim[0] > slot_size ? bg_txt_pos_x + half_spacing : bg_txt_pos_x + (bg_txt_dim_w / 2) - (text_dim[0]/2); var txt_pos_y = bg_txt_pos_y + (bg_txt_dim_h + text_dim[1]) / 2 - text_dim[1]*0.18; // Bubble background set_source_rgba(text_bg_color); rectangle_rounded(bg_txt_pos_x, bg_txt_pos_y, bg_txt_dim_w, bg_txt_dim_h, 4, 4); fill(); // Buble text set_source_rgba(text_color); move_to(txt_pos_x, txt_pos_y); show_text(text.toString()); } } // Drag slot if (is_dragging) { if (layout == 0) { translate(last_x, last_y ); rotate(0.15); scale(1.1, 1.1); // Slot shadow set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); for (var i = 0; i<4; i++) { draw_slot_bubble( i*0.4 + 1-slot_size/2, i*0.4 + 1-slot_size/2, slot_size + i*0.8, slot_size+i*0.8); fill(); } draw_slot_bubble( 2-slot_size/2, 2-slot_size/2, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); //Flying slot set_source_rgba(active_slot_color); draw_slot_bubble( -slot_size/2, -slot_size/2, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); } else { translate(last_x, last_y ); // rotate(0.15); set_source_rgba(active_slot_color); draw_slot_bubble( -slot_size/2, -slot_size/2, slot_size, slot_size); fill(); // slot name var text = format_slot_name(drag_slot); var bg_txt_pos_x = slot_size/2+ spacing; var bg_txt_pos_y = -slot_size/2; var bg_txt_dim_w = ui_width - (2*margin + slot_size + spacing); var bg_txt_dim_h = slot_size; set_source_rgba(stored_slot_color); draw_text_bubble(bg_txt_pos_x, bg_txt_pos_y, bg_txt_dim_w, bg_txt_dim_h, text); } } } } } paint.local = 0; function color_wheel() { // Rather than using an array of colors, each color has its own variable, so they can be declared as attributes and saved with the patch // But that makes the code sooo ugly... var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (args.length == 0) { // Reset to default color_wheel_custom = []; color_wheel_custom = color_wheel_default.slice(); color_1 = color_wheel_default[0]; color_2 = color_wheel_default[1]; color_3 = color_wheel_default[2]; color_4 = color_wheel_default[3]; color_5 = color_wheel_default[4]; color_6 = color_wheel_default[5]; } else if (args.length == 5) { // Set color var n = args[0]; var col = [args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]] if (n > 0 && n < 7) { switch (n) { case 1: color_1 = col; break; case 2: color_2 = col; break; case 3: color_3 = col; break; case 4: color_4 = col; break; case 5: color_5 = col; break; case 6: color_6 = col; break; } color_wheel_custom[n - 1] = col; } else { error('color_wheel: index out of range\n'); } } paint_base(); } function setcolor() { if (preset_color_pattr_exist()) { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); var nb_args = args.length; var slot_nb = selected_slot; if (nb_args < 1 && nb_args > 5) { error("color: wrong number of arguments."); } else { if (nb_args == 0) { // Reset colors of selected slot to default values slots[selected_slot].init_color(); } else if (nb_args == 1) { // Set the color index of the currently selected slot (for when color_mode is 2) slots[selected_slot].color_index = Math.floor(args); } else if (nb_args == 2) { // Set the color index to the 2nd argument for the slot number defined by the 1st argument slot_nb = Math.floor(args[0]); slots[slot_nb].color_index = Math.floor(args[1]); } else if (nb_args == 4) { // Set the custom color of the currently selected slot (for when color_mode is 3) slots[selected_slot].color_custom = [args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]]; } else if (nb_args == 5) { // Set the custom color for the slot number defined by the 1st argument to the color defined by following arguments in rgba format. slot_nb = Math.floor(args[0]); slots[slot_nb].color_custom = [args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]]; } update_preset_color_pattr(slot_nb); update_filled_slots_dict(); paint_base(); trigger_writeagain(); } } } function preset_color_pattr_exist() { var obj = this.patcher.getnamed("preset_color"); if (!obj) { error("preset_color pattr not found.\n"); color_pattr = 0; return false; } else if (obj.maxclass != "pattr"){ error("preset_color named object is not a pattr object.\n"); color_pattr = 0; return false; } else if (obj.getattr('invisible') == 1) { error("preset_color has been found but has invisible attribute set to 1\n"); color_pattr = 0; return false; } else { color_pattr = obj; return true; } } preset_color_pattr_exist.local = 1; function update_preset_color_pattr(s) { var cstm = slots[s].color_custom; to_pattrstorage("setstoredvalue", "preset_color", s, slots[s].color_index, cstm[0], cstm[1], cstm[2], cstm[3]); } update_preset_color_pattr.local = 1 function get_all_preset_colors() { if (filled_slots.length) { for (var i = 0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { get_preset_color(filled_slots[i]); } requested_slot = -1; } } get_all_preset_colors.local = 1; function get_preset_color(s) { requested_slot = s; to_pattrstorage("getstoredvalue", "preset_color", s); } get_preset_color.local = 1; function preset_color() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); // post(pattrstorage_name, "preset_color", args, '----- args.length: ', args.length, '----- requested_slot: ', requested_slot,'\n'); if (args.length == 5) { var col = Math.max(0, Math.floor(args[0])) % color_wheel_size; slots[requested_slot].color_index = col; slots[requested_slot].color_custom = [args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]]; } else if (args.length == 4) { slots[requested_slot].color_index = 0; slots[requested_slot].color_custom = args; } else if (args.length == 1) { var col = Math.max(0, Math.floor(args)) % color_wheel_size; slots[requested_slot].color_index = col; slots[requested_slot].color_custom = stored_slot_color; } } function anything() { // Here just to avoid error messages in case pattrstorage sends unhandled message, like when using getstoredvalue, getsubscriptionlist, getalias, etc. // Handle the "delete" messages here because we can't declare a "function delete" (it is a reserved word in js and cannot be used as a function name. if (messagename == "delete") { var v = arrayfromargs(arguments)[0]; v = Math.floor(v); if (v >= 0) { if (slots[v].lock > 0) { error('cannot delete locked slot ' + v + '\n'); } else { slots[v].name = null; slots[v].interp = -1; if (active_slot == v) { active_slot = 0; } else if (previous_active_slot == v) { previous_active_slot = 0; } if (is_dragging == 0) { to_pattrstorage("delete", v); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); paint_base(); set_active_slot(active_slot); if (!is_dragging) { outlet(0, "delete", v); if (selected_slot == v) { selected_slot == 0 outlet(2, 'set'); outlet(3, 'set', 0); } } trigger_writeagain(); } } } } else { // Passthrough to pattrstorage var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); args.unshift(messagename); to_pattrstorage.apply(null, args); // If the called function messes with presets, we resync the jsui var mess_with_presets = ['insert', 'lockall', 'read', 'readagain', 'remove', 'renumber']; if (mess_with_presets.indexOf(messagename) > -1 ) { resync(); } } } function bang() { to_pattrstorage("recall", active_slot); } function msg_int(v) { to_pattrstorage("recall", v); } function msg_float(v) { var s = Math.floor(v); var i = v % 1; to_pattrstorage("recall", s, s+1, i); } function pattrstorage(v) { find_pattrstorage(v); paint_base(); } function slotlist() { filled_slots = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (filled_slots.length) { // If the highest numbered preset is above the maximum number of displayed presets, we need to extend slots[] slots_highest = filled_slots[filled_slots.length - 1]; if (slots_count_display < slots_highest) { for (var i = slots_count_display + 1; i <= slots_highest; i++) { slots[i] = new slot(); slots[i].init(); } } for (var i = 0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { to_pattrstorage("getslotname", filled_slots[i]); } get_all_preset_colors(); update_filled_slots_dict(); } } function slotname() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (args[0] > 0 && args[1] != "(undefined)") { slots[args[0]].name = args[1]; } } function setslotname() { // Because [pattrstorage] doesn't output anything when renaming presets with "slotname", we use a custom "setslotname" instead, that will rename the active preset if (selected_slot > 0) { if (slots[selected_slot].lock == 0) { var sname = arrayfromargs(arguments).join(' '); slotname(selected_slot, sname); to_pattrstorage("slotname", selected_slot, sname); update_umenu(); update_filled_slots_dict(); select(selected_slot); trigger_writeagain(); if (layout == 1) { paint_base(); } } else { error('Cannot set name of locked slot\n'); } } } function text() { setslotname(arrayfromargs(arguments).join(' ')); } function recall() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (args.length == 1) { previous_active_slot = active_slot; is_interpolating = 0; set_active_slot(args[0]); outlet(0, 'recall', args[0]); } else if (args.length == 3) { var src_slot = args[0]; var trg_slot = args[1]; for (var i = 0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { slots[filled_slots[i]].interp = -1; } if (slots[src_slot].name != null && slots[trg_slot].name != null) { if (ignore_slot_zero == 1 && src_slot == 0) { // Set src_slot as if we were interpolating from the last recalled preset different than 0 // This way we can monitor which preset we come from even if we used preset 0 as intermediary preset if (previous_target != active_slot) { // If the last target preset was through interpollation or direct recall src_slot = previous_active_slot; } else { src_slot = active_slot; } } var interp = Math.min( 1, Math.max(0, args[2])); if (interp == 0.0) { slots[src_slot].interp = -1; slots[trg_slot].interp = -1; is_interpolating = 0; if (previous_target != active_slot) { previous_active_slot = active_slot; } else if (args[0] != 0) { previous_active_slot = args[0]; } else { previous_active_slot = previous_target; } set_active_slot(src_slot); } else if (interp == 1.0) { slots[src_slot].interp = -1; slots[trg_slot].interp = -1; is_interpolating = 0; previous_target = trg_slot; set_active_slot(trg_slot); } else { slots[src_slot].interp = 1 - interp; slots[trg_slot].interp = interp; is_interpolating = 1; active_slot = 0; } outlet(0, "recall", src_slot, trg_slot, interp); } } mgraphics.redraw(); } function recallmulti() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); var interp_slots = []; var summed_weight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var weight = args[i] % 1.; if (weight == 0) weight = 1; summed_weight += weight; interp_slots.push([Math.floor(args[i]), weight]); } for (var i = 0; i < interp_slots.length; i++) { var nb = interp_slots[i][0]; if (slots[nb].name != null) { interp_slots[i][1] /= summed_weight; } else { interp_slots[i][1] = -1; } slots[nb].interp = interp_slots[i][1] } is_interpolating = 1; mgraphics.redraw(); outlet(0, "recallmulti", args); } function store(v) { v = Math.floor(v); if (v >= 0) { if (slots[v] && slots[v].lock > 0) { error('cannot overwrite locked slot ' + v + '\n'); } else { var recalc_rows_flag = scrollable && v > slots_highest; if (color_pattr) { //Initialize preset color pattr to default for new preset (otherwise, previously set color is used) color_pattr.message(0); } to_pattrstorage("store", v); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); if (recalc_rows_flag) { calc_rows_columns(); } else { paint_base(); } if (!(ignore_slot_zero && v == 0)) { set_active_slot(v); } outlet(0, "store", v); if (v) { // We writagain only if stored preset is > 0 trigger_writeagain(); } } } } function setlock(v) { lock(selected_slot, v); } function lock() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (args.length == 2) { to_pattrstorage("lock", args[0], args[1]); to_pattrstorage("getlockedslots"); outlet(0, "lock", args[0], args[1]); update_filled_slots_dict(); trigger_writeagain(); if (layout == 1) { paint_base(); } } } function lockedslots() { var locked_slots = arrayfromargs(arguments); for (var i = 1; i < slots.length; i++) { slots[i].lock = 0; } if (locked_slots.length) { for (var i = 0; i < locked_slots.length; i++) { slots[locked_slots[i]].lock = 1; if (locked_slots[i] == selected_slot) { select(selected_slot); } } } } function write() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); if (is_writing) { is_writing = 0; var filename = args[0]; var state = args[1]; if (state) { post(pattrstorage_name + ' pattrstorage: ' + filename + ' updated\n'); } else { error(pattrstorage_name + ': error while writing ' + filename + '\n'); } } else { if (args.length < 2) { error("Send your write messages directly to the pattrstorage instead.\n"); } } } function read() { var args = arrayfromargs(arguments); var state = args[1]; if (state) { pattrstorage(pattrstorage_name); } } // Given that v8ui has a new read method that cannot be overriden, we need to use [substitute read readfile] between [pattrstorage] and [tc.prest] function readfile(f, s) { read(f, s); } function subscriptionlist() { var client = arrayfromargs(arguments)[0]; if (is_listening_to_subscriptionlist) { if (client == "preset_color") { // [pattr preset_color] subscribed // post("preset_color pattr object found and subscribed to bound pattrstorage. Switching to color mode", color_mode_candidate, '\n'); is_listening_to_subscriptionlist = 0; color_mode = color_mode_candidate; paint_base(); } else if (client == "done") { error("A [pattr preset_color] object has been found but it isn't subscribed to your pattrstorage. Please add it to your subscribelist and try changing color mode again.\n") is_listening_to_subscriptionlist = 0; } } } function clientlist() { var client = arrayfromargs(arguments)[0]; if (is_listening_to_clientlist) { if (client == "preset_color") { // post("preset_color pattr object found and client to bound pattrstorage. Switching to color mode", color_mode_candidate, '\n'); is_listening_to_clientlist = 0; color_mode = color_mode_candidate; paint_base(); } else if (client == "done") { error("A [pattr preset_color] object has been found but seems to be invisible to the pattrstorage.\n") is_listening_to_clientlist = 0; } } } function resync() { set_active_slot(0); slots_clear(); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); to_pattrstorage("getlockedslots"); calc_rows_columns(); } function find_pattrstorage(name) { active_slot = 0; pattrstorage_obj = this.patcher.getnamed(name); if (pattrstorage_obj !== null) { pattrstorage_name = name; slots_clear(); // this.patcher.hiddenconnect(pattrstorage_obj, 0, this.box, 0); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); to_pattrstorage("getlockedslots"); } else { pattrstorage_name = null; active_slot = 0; previous_active_slot = 0; selected_slot = 0; slots_clear(); if (name != undefined) { error("Pattrstorage", name, "doesn't exist.\n"); } } } find_pattrstorage.local = 1; function to_pattrstorage() { if (pattrstorage_obj !== null) { pattrstorage_obj.message(arrayfromargs(arguments)); } } function select(v) { if (filled_slots.indexOf(v) > -1) { selected_slot = v; set_umenu(selected_slot); if (selected_slot != 0) { outlet(2, "set", slots[selected_slot].name); } else { outlet(2, "set"); } outlet(3, "set", slots[selected_slot].lock); } } function slots_clear() { slots[0].init(); slots[0].name = "(tmp)"; for (var i = 1; i < slots.length; i++) { slots[i].clear(); } } slots_clear.local = 1; function get_slot_index(x, y) { // Returns which slot is hovered by the mouse for (var i = 1; i <= slots_count_display; i++) { if (y > (slots[i].top - half_spacing) && y < (slots[i].bottom + half_spacing) && x > (slots[i].left - half_spacing) && x < (slots[i].right + half_spacing)) { return i; } } return -1; } get_slot_index.local = 1; function set_active_slot(int) { if (int < 0) { active_slot = 0; } else { active_slot = int; } // outlet(0, "previous", previous_active_slot); select(active_slot); } set_active_slot.local = 1; function update_umenu() { if (pattrstorage_obj !== null) { outlet(1, "clear"); outlet(1, "setcheck", 8226); for (var i=0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { var nb = filled_slots[i]; var txt = null; if (!menu_number_only) { txt = slots[filled_slots[i]].name; } outlet(1, "append", nb, txt); } if (layout == 1) { set_umenu(selected_slot); } } } update_umenu.local = 1; function update_filled_slots_dict() { // Creates a coll-compatible dict containing slot id, name, lock, color index and color_custom for all existing presets // And sends the dict name to a receive. // Best would be to allow for single slot updates, but for that we need to be able to know which at index of filled_slot is a slot id. filled_slots_dict.clear(); for (var i = 0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { var slot_index = filled_slots[i]; var tmp_color_custom = slots[slot_index].color_custom; filled_slots_dict.set(slot_index, slots[slot_index].name, slots[slot_index].lock, slots[slot_index].color_index, tmp_color_custom[0], tmp_color_custom[1], tmp_color_custom[2], tmp_color_custom[3]); } // Non coll-compatible, but with proper keys: // filled_slots_dict.set('filled_slots'); // for (var i = 0; i < filled_slots.length; i++) { // if (i > 0) filled_slots_dict.append('filled_slots', ''); // var tmp_color_custom = slots[filled_slots[i]].color_custom; // filled_slots_dict.setparse('filled_slots[' + i + ']', 'slot:', filled_slots[i], 'name:', '"' + slots[filled_slots[i]].name + '"', 'lock:', slots[filled_slots[i]].lock, 'color_index:', slots[filled_slots[i]].color_index, 'color_custom:', tmp_color_custom[0], tmp_color_custom[1], tmp_color_custom[2], tmp_color_custom[3]); // } var tmp_send_name = send_name == "none" ? pattrstorage_name + '_presets_dict' : send_name; messnamed(tmp_send_name, 'dictionary', filled_slots_dict.name); } update_filled_slots_dict.local = 1; function set_umenu(v) { outlet(1, "clearchecks"); var item = filled_slots.indexOf(v); outlet(1, "checkitem", item); outlet(1, "set", item); } function trigger_writeagain() { if (auto_writeagain && !is_dragging) { is_writing = 1; to_pattrstorage("writeagain"); } } trigger_writeagain.local = 1; // MOUSE EVENTS function onidle(x,y,but,cmd,shift,capslock,option,ctrl) { var redraw_flag = false; if (last_x != x || last_y != y - y_offset) { last_x = x; last_y = y - y_offset; var cur = get_slot_index(x, y - y_offset); if (cur != last_hovered) { last_hovered = cur; redraw_flag = true; } } if (shift_hold != shift || option_hold != option) { shift_hold = shift; option_hold = option; redraw_flag = true; } if (redraw_flag) { mgraphics.redraw(); } } onidle.local = 1; function onidleout() { last_hovered = -1; mgraphics.redraw(); } onidleout.local = 1; function onclick(x,y,but,cmd,shift,capslock,option,ctrl) { if (last_hovered > -1 && pattrstorage_name != null) { var output = "recall"; if (select_mode) { output = "select"; } if (shift) { output = "store"; if (option) { output = "delete"; } } else if (slots[last_hovered].name == null) { return; } if (output == "store") { store(last_hovered); } else { if (output == "select") { select(last_hovered); // mgraphics.redraw(); } else { to_pattrstorage(output, last_hovered); } } } last_x = x; last_y = y - y_offset; } onclick.local = 1; function ondblclick(x,y,but,cmd,shift,capslock,option,ctrl) { if (last_hovered > -1 && pattrstorage_name != null && filled_slots.indexOf(last_hovered) > -1) { to_pattrstorage("recall", last_hovered); } last_x = x; last_y = y - y_offset; } ondblclick.local = 1; function ondrag(x,y,but,cmd,shift,capslock,option,ctrl) { if (pattrstorage_name != null) { y -= y_offset; if (is_dragging == 0 && last_hovered > 0 && slots[last_hovered].name !== null) { // To prevent mistakes, is_dragging is set to 1 only when dragging for more than 10 pixels var dist_from_start = Math.sqrt((x-last_x)*(x-last_x)+(y-last_y)*(y-last_y)); if (dist_from_start > 10) { is_dragging = 1; drag_slot = last_hovered; } } else if (is_dragging == 1) { last_hovered = get_slot_index(x, y); if (!but) { // When the button is released, the dragging ceases if (last_hovered > 0 && last_hovered != drag_slot) { var cur_active_slot = active_slot; var cur_prev_active_slot = previous_active_slot; var offset = ((last_hovered <= drag_slot) && slots[last_hovered].name != null) ? 1 : 0; var offset_others = slots[last_hovered].name != null ? 1 : 0; var drag_slot_lock = slots[drag_slot].lock; var recalc_rows_flag = 0 // If the slot we wan to drag is locked, we need to temporarily unlock it. if (drag_slot_lock) { lock(drag_slot, 0); } // If new slot is empty we just move the drag preset here. If it's not, we move al next slots to the right if (slots[last_hovered].name !== null) { if (slots_highest == slots_count_display) { // If there's a stored preset in the last displayed slot, it will be pushed to a new row at insert, so we need to add a new row at redraw recalc_rows_flag = 1; } to_pattrstorage("insert", last_hovered); } to_pattrstorage("copy", drag_slot + offset, last_hovered); to_pattrstorage("delete", drag_slot + offset); slots_clear(); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); to_pattrstorage("getlockedslots"); // All this just to keep trace of the active and previous active slots if (cur_active_slot == drag_slot) { active_slot = last_hovered; } else if (last_hovered == cur_active_slot) { active_slot = cur_active_slot + 1; } else if (cur_active_slot > last_hovered) { active_slot += offset_others; } if (cur_prev_active_slot == drag_slot) { previous_active_slot = last_hovered; } else if (cur_prev_active_slot == last_hovered){ previous_active_slot = cur_prev_active_slot + 1; } else if (cur_prev_active_slot > last_hovered) { previous_active_slot += offset_others; } // If the dragged slot was locked, relock it. if (drag_slot_lock) { lock(last_hovered, 1); } outlet(0, "drag", drag_slot, last_hovered, offset); is_dragging = 0; drag_slot = -1; select(last_hovered); if (recalc_rows_flag) { calc_rows_columns(); } else { paint_base(); } trigger_writeagain(); } else { // Drag released but not somewhere we can throw a slot in is_dragging = 0; drag_slot = -1; paint_base(); } } else { // Click still hold, we keep dragging if (scrollable) { // Auto-scroll if mouse out of bounds if (y+y_offset < 0 && y-(last_y-drag_scroll) < 0) { drag_scroll = 2; } else if (y+y_offset > ui_height && y-(last_y-drag_scroll) > 0) { drag_scroll = -2; } else { drag_scroll = 0; } y_offset += drag_scroll; y_offset = Math.min(y_offset, 0); y_offset = Math.max(y_offset, -1 * (bg_height - ui_height)); } mgraphics.redraw(); } last_x = x; last_y = y; } } } ondrag.local = 1; function onwheel(x, y, wheel_inc_x, wheel_inc_y, cmd, shift, caps, opt, ctrl) { if (scrollable) { y_offset += wheel_inc_y * 100.0; y_offset = Math.min(y_offset, 0); y_offset = Math.max(y_offset, -1 * (bg_height - ui_height)); mgraphics.redraw(); } } onwheel.local = 1; // RESIZING function onresize(w,h) { ui_width = w; ui_height = h; calc_rows_columns(); to_pattrstorage("getslotlist"); paint_base(); } onresize.local = 1; // 64x64 is the default jsui size. We use that to know if the object has just been created, // in which case we resize it to a more convenient size to start with. if (ui_width == 64 && ui_height == 64) { box.setboxattr("patching_rect", box.rect[0], box.rect[1], 130, 58); } // Allows for dynamic resizing even in presentation mode (addressing the limitation of onresize()) var pres_rect = new MaxobjListener(this.box,"presentation_rect",get_prect); function get_prect(prect) { // post(this.patcher.wind.assoc.getattr("globalpatchername") == max.frontpatcher.wind.assoc.getattr("globalpatchername") ? 1 : 0, "\n") onresize(prect.value[2], prect.value[3]) } get_prect.local = 1; // ATTRIBUTES DECLARATION declareattribute("pattrstorage", "getpattrstorage", "setpattrstorage", 1); function getpattrstorage() { if (pattrstorage_name == null) { return } else { return pattrstorage_name; } } function setpattrstorage(v){ // This method is called for the first time when the patch is loading, before the loadbang (not all objects are instanciated yet) // With v being the value stored whithin the patcher if (v == null) { pattrstorage_name = null; pattrstorage_obj = null; } else { pattrstorage_name = arrayfromargs(arguments)[0]; } // post('set_pattrstorage', pattrstorage_name, '\n'); // If the loadbang already occured once, we need to retrigger here if (has_loaded) { loadbang(); } else { // Otherwise, we have no way to know how we're here in the code // (was it just an attribute change? or maybe the object got copy-pasted with already set attribute, or it is being instantiated at patch load with saved attributes) // So we have to delay the loadbang to make sure it will work in any case // and won't be triggered before this or other objects are being instantiated completely. var init_tsk = new Task(delayed_init); init_tsk.schedule(200); } } function delayed_init() { loadbang(); arguments.callee.task.freepeer(); } delayed_init.local = 1; declareattribute("bubblesize", "getslotsize", "setslotsize", 1); function getslotsize() { return slot_size; } function setslotsize(v){ if (arguments.length) { slot_size = Math.max(2, v); } else { slot_size = 20; } calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("slot_round", "getslotround", "setslotround", 1); function getslotround() { return slot_round; } function setslotround(v){ if (arguments.length) { slot_round = Math.max(0, Math.min(slot_size, v)); } else { slot_round = 0; } slot_round_ratio = slot_round / slot_size; calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("margin", "getmargin", "setmargin", 1); function getmargin() { return margin; } function setmargin(v){ if (arguments.length) { margin = Math.max(0, v); } else { margin = 4; } calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("spacing", "getspacing", "setspacing", 1); function getspacing() { return spacing; } function setspacing(v){ if (arguments.length) { spacing = Math.max(1, v); } else { spacing = 4; } calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("bgcolor", "getbgcolor", "setbgcolor", 1); function getbgcolor() { return background_color; } function setbgcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { background_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { background_color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1]; } else { error('bgcolor: wrong number of arguments\n'); } paint_base(); } declareattribute("empty_slot_color", "getemptycolor", "setemptycolor", 1); function getemptycolor() { return empty_slot_color; } function setemptycolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { empty_slot_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { empty_slot_color = [0.349, 0.349, 0.349, 1]; } else { error('empty_slot_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } paint_base(); } declareattribute("active_slot_color", "getactiveslotcolor", "setactiveslotcolor", 1); function getactiveslotcolor() { return active_slot_color; } function setactiveslotcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { active_slot_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { active_slot_color = [0.808, 0.898, 0.910, 1]; } else { error('active_slot_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } mgraphics.redraw(); } declareattribute("stored_slot_color", "getstoredslotcolor", "setstoredslotcolor", 1); function getstoredslotcolor() { return stored_slot_color; } function setstoredslotcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { stored_slot_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { stored_slot_color = [0.502, 0.502, 0.502, 1]; } else { error('stored_slot_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } paint_base(); } declareattribute("interp_slot_color", "getinterpslotcolor", "setinterpslotcolor", 1); function getinterpslotcolor() { return interp_slot_color; } function setinterpslotcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { interp_slot_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { interp_slot_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8]; } else { error('interp_slot_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } mgraphics.redraw(); } declareattribute("text_bg_color", "gettextbgcolor", "settextbgcolor", 1); function gettextbgcolor() { return text_bg_color; } function settextbgcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { text_bg_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { text_bg_color = [1,1,1, 0.5]; } else { error('text_bg_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } mgraphics.redraw(); } declareattribute("text_color", "gettextcolor", "settextcolor", 1); function gettextcolor() { return text_color; } function settextcolor(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { text_color = [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; } else if (arguments.length == 0) { text_color = [0.129, 0.129, 0.129, 1]; } else { error('text_color: wrong number of arguments\n'); } mgraphics.redraw(); } declareattribute("fontsize", "getfontsize", "setfontsize", 1); function getfontsize() { return font_size; } function setfontsize(v){ if (arguments.length) { font_size = Math.max(2, v); } else { font_size = 14; } if (layout == 1) { paint_base(); } else { mgraphics.redraw(); } } declareattribute("fontname", "getfontname", "setfontname", 1); function getfontname() { return font_name; } function setfontname(v){ if (arguments.length) { var fontlist = mgraphics.getfontlist(); if (fontlist.indexOf(v) > -1) { font_name = v.toString(); } else { error("Font not found.\n"); } } else { font_name = 'Arial'; } if (layout == 1) { paint_base(); } else { mgraphics.redraw(); } } declareattribute("autowriteagain", "getautowriteagain", "setautowriteagain", 1); function getautowriteagain() { return auto_writeagain; } function setautowriteagain(v){ if (v == 0) { auto_writeagain = 0; } else { auto_writeagain = 1; } } declareattribute("ignoreslotzero", "getignoreslotzero", "setignoreslotzero", 1); function getignoreslotzero() { return ignore_slot_zero; } function setignoreslotzero(v){ if (v == 0) { ignore_slot_zero = 0; } else { ignore_slot_zero = 1; } } declareattribute("display_interp", "getdisplayinterp", "setdisplayinterp", 1); function getdisplayinterp() { return display_interp; } function setdisplayinterp(v){ if (v == 0) { display_interp = 0; } else { display_interp = 1; } } declareattribute("layout", "getlayout", "setlayout", 1); function getlayout() { return layout; } function setlayout(v){ if (v == 0) { layout = 0; } else { layout = 1; } y_offset = 0; calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("scrollable", "getscrollable", "setscrollable", 1); function getscrollable() { return scrollable; } function setscrollable(v){ if (v == 0) { scrollable = 0; } else { scrollable = 1; } y_offset = 0; calc_rows_columns(); } declareattribute("min_rows", "getmin_rows", "setmin_rows", 1); function getmin_rows() { return min_rows; } function setmin_rows(v){ if (v > 0) { min_rows = v; } if (scrollable) { calc_rows_columns(); } } declareattribute("select_mode", "getselect_mode", "setselect_mode", 1); function getselect_mode() { return select_mode; } function setselect_mode(v){ if (v == 1) { select_mode = 1; } else { select_mode = 0; } mgraphics.redraw(); } declareattribute("color_mode", "getcolor_mode", "setcolor_mode", 1); function getcolor_mode() { return color_mode; } function setcolor_mode(v){ v = Math.floor(v); v = Math.max(0, Math.min(3, v)); // For color modes 2 and 3 (select and custom), // we need to ensure there's a [pattr preset_color] somewhere to store the preset color if (v >= 2 ) { if (!preset_color_pattr_exist()) { v = 0; color_mode = v; paint_base(); } else { if (pattrstorage_obj != null && pattrstorage_obj.getattr('subscribemode') == 1) { // If the pattrstorage is in subscribe mode, we need to query its subscription list, // ...and wait for the result to continue (see function subscribelist) post(pattrstorage_name, "subscribe mode detected. Checking for subscribed 'preset_color' client.\n"); is_listening_to_subscriptionlist = 1; color_mode_candidate = v; to_pattrstorage("getsubscriptionlist"); } else { // If not in subscribe mode is_listening_to_clientlist = 1; color_mode_candidate = v; to_pattrstorage("getclientlist"); } } } else { color_mode = v; paint_base(); } } declareattribute("color_1", "getcolor1", "setcolor1", 1); function getcolor1() { return color_1; } function setcolor1(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(1, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(1, 0.743, 0.41, 0.501, 1); } else { error('color_1: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("color_2", "getcolor2", "setcolor2", 1); function getcolor2() { return color_2; } function setcolor2(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(2, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(0.679, 0.405, 0.669,1); } else { error('color_2: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("color_3", "getcolor3", "setcolor3", 1); function getcolor3() { return color_3; } function setcolor3(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(3, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(3, 0.527, 0.459, 0.756, 1); } else { error('color_3: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("color_4", "getcolor4", "setcolor4", 1); function getcolor4() { return color_4; } function setcolor4(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(4, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(4, 0.367, 0.542, 0.712, 1); } else { error('color_4: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("color_5", "getcolor5", "setcolor5", 1); function getcolor5() { return color_5; } function setcolor5(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(5, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(5, 0.283, 0.606, 0.559, 1); } else { error('color_5: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("color_6", "getcolor6", "setcolor6", 1); function getcolor6() { return color_6; } function setcolor6(){ if (arguments.length == 4) { color_wheel(6, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } else if (arguments.length == 0) { color_wheel(6, 0.316, 0.616, 0.377, 1); } else { error('color_6: wrong number of arguments\n'); } } declareattribute("send_name", "getsendname", "setsendname", 1); function getsendname() { return send_name; } function setsendname(){ if (arguments.length > 0) { send_name = arguments[0]; } else { send_name = "none"; } } // UTILITY function post_keys(obj) { post('Keys of obj: ', obj, '\n'); post(Object.keys(obj)); post('\n'); }