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"patching_rect" : [ 186.5, 453.0, 49.0, 22.0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "description" : "", "digest" : "", "globalpatchername" : "", "tags" : "" } , "text" : "p interp" } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 242.5, 250.0, 129.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "loadmess savemode 0" } } , { "box" : { "bubble" : 1, "id" : "obj-12", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 403.0, 413.0, 177.0, 24.0 ], "text" : "Lock/unlock selected preset!" } } , { "box" : { "bubble" : 1, "bubbleside" : 0, "id" : "obj-6", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 237.5, 438.0, 139.0, 52.0 ], "text" : "Edit the selected preset name and hit enter!" } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-5", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 0, "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "appversion" : { "major" : 8, 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"id" : "obj-15", "linecount" : 9, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 366.0, 119.5, 285.0, 127.0 ], "text" : "Lots of pattrstorage methods (clear, insert, lock lockall, read, readgain, remove, renumber, store) modify presets but doesn't trigger any output from the pattrstorage object. If you want timing accuracy, send these messages to the pattrstorage first, then send a 'resync' to tc.preset. Otherwise, you can send them directly to tc.preset, which will act as a passthrough and trigger its resync method automatically." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-25", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 428.0, 248.5, 59.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "remove 3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-19", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 499.0, 248.5, 48.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "insert 3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-2", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 272.0, 338.0, 40.0, 22.0 ], "restore" : [ -0.714285714285714, -0.714285714285714, -0.6, -0.542857142857143, -0.457142857142857, -0.342857142857143, -0.171428571428571, -0.028571428571429, 0.028571428571428, 0.142857142857143, 0.228571428571429, 0.371428571428571, 0.485714285714286, 0.571428571428571, 0.714285714285714, 0.8 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "parameter_enable" : 0, "parameter_mappable" : 0 } , "text" : "pattr", "varname" : "u099005226" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-5", "maxclass" : "multislider", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 283.0, 365.0, 58.0, 32.0 ], "size" : 16, "varname" : "multislider" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-13", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 616.0, 248.5, 35.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "clear" } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 130.0, 303.0, 129.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "loadmess savemode 0" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-54", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 120.0, 181.0, 47.0 ], "text" : "\"recallmulti\" and \"slotname\" should be sent to the pattrstorage first then to the jsui" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-52", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 199.0, 120.0, 163.0, 47.0 ], "text" : "Recall and delete messages should be sent to the pattrstorage only" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-50", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 253.0, 172.0, 84.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "recall 1 3 0.75" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-48", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 199.0, 172.0, 47.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "recall 3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-46", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 42.0, 201.0, 94.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "slotname 3 third" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-44", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 233.0, 38.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "t l l" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-43", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 172.0, 123.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "recallmulti 1.6 2.1 3.3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-37", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 432.0, 382.0, 225.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Sets the lock state of the selected preset" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-35", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 365.0, 351.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-33", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 365.0, 381.0, 63.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "setlock $1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-31", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 432.0, 431.0, 199.0, 47.0 ], "text" : "Select a preset. Doesn't recall it, but updates the umenu, textedit and lock toggle underneath the jsui." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-29", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 378.0, 443.0, 50.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "select 3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-22", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 202.0, 51.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "delete 2" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-20", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 366.0, 248.5, 50.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "lock 3 1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-56", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 248.0, 505.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-27", "keymode" : 1, "maxclass" : "textedit", "nosymquotes" : 1, "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 4, "outlettype" : [ "", "int", "", "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 139.0, 505.0, 102.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-17", "items" : [ 1, "up", ",", 2, "down", ",", 3, "sine", ",", 4, "random" ], "maxclass" : "umenu", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "int", "", "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 15.0, 507.0, 115.0, 22.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-16", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 432.0, 408.0, 198.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set the name of the selected preset" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-14", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 305.0, 407.0, 123.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "setslotname myname" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-11", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 432.0, 480.0, 171.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "A fail-safe message to resync the jsui to the pattrstorage" } } , { "box" : { "fontsize" : 13.0, "id" : "obj-8", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 69.599853515625, 489.0, 36.0 ], "text" : "The pattrstorage object doesn't provide an output for all of its available methods.\nTo keep our jsui in sync, some messages need to be addressed in a specific way." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 384.0, 485.0, 44.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "resync" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 559.0, 248.5, 45.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "store 3" } } , { "box" : { "border" : 0, "filename" : "helpname.js", "id" : "obj-4", "ignoreclick" : 1, "jsarguments" : [ "tc.preset" ], "maxclass" : "jsui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 10.0, 188.288009643554688, 57.599853515625 ] } } , { 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It also displays the currently selected preset. Select a preset in the list to recall it!" } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-26", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 0, "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "appversion" : { "major" : 8, "minor" : 6, "revision" : 4, "architecture" : "x64", "modernui" : 1 } , "classnamespace" : "box", "rect" : [ 0.0, 26.0, 678.0, 554.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 1, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 1, "objectsnaponopen" : 1, "statusbarvisible" : 2, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0, "toptoolbarpinned" : 0, "righttoolbarpinned" : 0, "bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0, "toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0, "tallnewobj" : 0, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "description" : "", "digest" : "", "tags" : "", "style" : "", "subpatcher_template" : "", "showontab" : 1, "assistshowspatchername" : 0, "boxes" : 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"", "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 378.0, 257.0, 112.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-1", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 312.0, 95.0, 22.0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "client_rect" : [ 4, 44, 358, 172 ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "parameter_mappable" : 0, "storage_rect" : [ 583, 69, 1034, 197 ] } , "text" : "pattrstorage test", "varname" : "test" } } , { "box" : { "border" : 0, "filename" : "helpname.js", "id" : "obj-4", "ignoreclick" : 1, "jsarguments" : [ "tc.preset" ], "maxclass" : "jsui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 10.0, 188.288009643554688, 57.599853515625 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-115", "linecount" : 5, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 142.0, 247.0, 74.0 ], "text" : "When select mode is enabled, a single click selects a stored preset without recalling it. A double click recalls the preset. It allows to drag it, set its name and lock state while keeping the last recalled preset active." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-108", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 87.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-50", "linecount" : 4, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 332.0, 262.0, 249.0, 60.0 ], "text" : "Makes displayed previous active slot and interpolation status to ignore slot 0. Can be convenient when using slot 0 as a temporary step for interpolation. It is enabled by default." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-43", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 312.0, 67.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-37", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 332.0, 207.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-90", "linecount" : 4, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 312.0, 122.0, 241.0, 60.0 ], "text" : "When enabled, sends writeagain to pattrstrage when a preset has been stored/renamed/deleted/moved/(un)locked, keeping the json file always up to date." } } , { "box" : { "attr" : "autowriteagain", "id" : "obj-40", "maxclass" : "attrui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 312.0, 98.0, 122.0, 22.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "attr" : "ignoreslotzero", "id" : "obj-46", "maxclass" : "attrui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 332.0, 238.0, 121.0, 22.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "attr" : "select_mode", "id" : "obj-127", "maxclass" : "attrui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 118.0, 121.0, 22.0 ] } } ], "lines" : [ { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-10", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-1", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-17", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-10", 1 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-27", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-10", 2 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-56", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-10", 3 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-127", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-108", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-10", 0 ], "hidden" : 1, "source" : [ "obj-127", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-2", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-3", 1 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-46", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-37", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-10", 0 ], "hidden" : 1, "source" : [ "obj-40", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-40", 0 ], "source" : [ "obj-43", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-10", 0 ], "hidden" : 1, "source" : [ "obj-46", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-108", 0 ], "hidden" : 1, "source" : [ "obj-5", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-1", 0 ], "hidden" : 1, "source" : [ "obj-7", 0 ] } } ] } , "patching_rect" : [ 313.0, 2.0, 65.0, 22.0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "description" : "", "digest" : "", "globalpatchername" : "", "tags" : "" } , "text" : "p behavior", "varname" : "behavior" } } , { "box" : { "bubble" : 1, "id" : "obj-24", "linecount" : 10, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 396.5, 266.0, 263.0, 145.0 ], "text" : "User interactions are the same as with the preset object:\nShift-click in a square to store\nclick on square to recall shift-(option|alt)-click on square to delete\n\nAdditionnally, you can click and drag stored slots around to reorganize them. Dragging a preset onto an existing preset pushes that preset and the next ones one slot forward." } } , { "box" : { "fontsize" : 14.0, "id" : "obj-13", "linecount" : 5, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 149.0, 427.0, 85.0 ], "text" : "Get that custom jsui working in three steps:\n1. Create a [tc.preset] (shortcut for [jsui @filename tc.preset.js])\n2. Connect your pattrstorage outlet to the jsui left inlet\n3. Send a \"pattrstorage \" message to the jsui, or change the pattrstorage attribute in the jsui inspector." } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-9", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 0, "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "appversion" : { "major" : 8, "minor" : 6, "revision" : 4, "architecture" : "x64", "modernui" : 1 } , "classnamespace" : "box", "rect" : [ 0.0, 26.0, 678.0, 554.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 1, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 1, "objectsnaponopen" : 1, "statusbarvisible" : 2, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0, "toptoolbarpinned" : 0, "righttoolbarpinned" : 0, "bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0, "toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0, "tallnewobj" : 0, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "description" : "", "digest" : "", "tags" : "", "style" : "", "subpatcher_template" 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: "...and: bgcolor, empty_slot_color, stored_slot_color, interp_slot_color, active_slot_color, fontname, fontsize, text_bg_color, text_color\n(see the tc.preset attributes in the inspector or in its Reference page)" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-65", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 278.0, 218.5, 196.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Minimum number of rows to display when scrollable is enabled." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-62", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 172.0, 87.5, 211.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Enable to scroll through your presets! 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"obj-11", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 52.0, 167.0, 104.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "setcolor 1. 0. 0. 1." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-4", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 5, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 141.0, 338.0, 97.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "pack 0 0. 0. 0. 1." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-8", "maxclass" : "button", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 119.0, 207.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 149.0, 209.0, 265.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set a random color for the first 20 presets" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-2", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 142.0, 70.0, 163.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set color mode to 3 (custom)" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "message", 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and read them back later, the set colors index will still be here." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-23", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 180.5, 150.0, 123.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Change preset colors" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-18", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 199.5, 273.0, 29.5, 22.0 ], "text" : "+ 1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-19", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 199.5, 244.0, 59.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "random 6" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-21", "maxclass" : "button", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 199.5, 213.0, 24.0, 24.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-22", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 229.5, 215.0, 174.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set a random color for preset 4" } } , { "box" 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"numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 164.0, 94.0, 155.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set color mode to 2 (select)" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 48.0, 93.0, 81.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "color_mode 2" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-10", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 48.0, 407.0, 81.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "s to_tc.preset" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-9", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 76.5, 271.0, 67.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "setcolor $1" } } , { "box" : { "background" : 1, "bgcolor" : [ 1.0, 0.788235, 0.470588, 1.0 ], "fontface" : 1, "hint" : "", "id" : "obj-20", "ignoreclick" : 1, "legacytextcolor" : 1, "maxclass" : "textbutton", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 137.0, 94.0, 20.0, 20.0 ], "rounded" : 60.0, 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461.0, 190.0, 160.0, 37.0 ], "text" : "Open these subpatchers to get more info" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-30", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 0, "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "appversion" : { "major" : 8, "minor" : 6, "revision" : 4, "architecture" : "x64", "modernui" : 1 } , "classnamespace" : "box", "rect" : [ 724.0, 259.0, 378.0, 380.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 1, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 1, "objectsnaponopen" : 1, "statusbarvisible" : 2, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0, "toptoolbarpinned" : 0, "righttoolbarpinned" : 0, "bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0, "toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0, "tallnewobj" : 0, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "description" : "", "digest" : "", "tags" : "", "style" : "", "subpatcher_template" : "", "assistshowspatchername" : 0, "boxes" : [ { "box" : { "id" : "obj-10", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 343.0, 81.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "s to_tc.preset" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 179.0, 167.0, 129.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set color 5 to cyan" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-2", "linecount" : 7, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 14.0, 321.0, 100.0 ], "text" : "The color wheel is a set of six colors used in color_mode 1 (cycle) and 2 (select).\n\nYou can change each of the 6 colors from the color wheel either by using color_1 to color_6 messages, either by using a generic color_wheel message, or directly in the inspector when selecting the tc.preset object." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-126", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 179.0, 215.0, 164.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Reset color 3 to default value" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-122", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 179.0, 139.0, 129.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Set color 3 to magenta" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-120", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 166.0, 123.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "color_wheel 5 0 1 1 1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-119", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 179.0, 241.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Reset all colors to default" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-117", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 119.0, 214.0, 48.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "color_3" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-99", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 79.0, 138.0, 88.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "color_3 1 0 1 1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-95", "maxclass" : 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If using subscribe mode, make sure to add preset_color to the pattrstorage's subscribe list.\nPreset color data will be stored just like your other parameters." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 338.0, 346.0, 102.0, 22.0 ], "restore" : [ 0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "parameter_enable" : 0, "parameter_mappable" : 0 } , "text" : "pattr preset_color", "varname" : "preset_color" } } , { "box" : { "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 316.0, 129.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "loadmess savemode 0" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 322.0, 400.0, 40.0, 22.0 ], "restore" : [ -0.51, -0.05, 0.22, 0.9, -0.21, -0.87, -0.33, -0.81, 0.41, -0.74, 0.67, -0.85, -0.15, -0.92, -0.6, 0.05 ], 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slot number.\nIn mode 2 (Select), you can freely choose one of the 6 colors for each preset.\nIn mode 3 (Custom), you are free to set any color in rgba format for any preset." } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-111", "items" : [ "Off", ",", "Cycle", ",", "Select", ",", "Custom" ], "maxclass" : "umenu", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "int", "", "" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 144.0, 66.0, 22.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-104", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 176.0, 88.0, 22.0 ], "text" : "color_mode $1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-1", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 10.0, 346.0, 108.0, 22.0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "client_rect" : [ 4, 44, 358, 172 ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "parameter_mappable" : 0, "storage_rect" : [ 583, 69, 1034, 197 ] } , "text" : "pattrstorage colors", "varname" : 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