- Create a [`jsui @filename tc.preset.js`]. You can either add `@jsarguments` followed by the name of the pattrstorage you want to communicate with, or set that later by sending a `pattrstorage` (followed by the pattrstorage name) message to the [jsui].
- Connect the [pattrstorage] outlet to the [jsui] inlet
- Due to the way [pattrstorage] works, some pattrstorage-specific messages should be sent to the [jsui] instead of the [pattrstorage]. Some to both:
-`recall`, `delete`: send to [pattrstorage] only
-`recallmulti`, `slotname`: send to [pattrstorage] first (for better timing), then to the [jsui]
-`store`: send to [jsui] only
- The js program send a lot of message to the [pattrstorage] (patch cord not required), which makes it output a lot of messages required for the [jsui] to stay in sync. Using one of the above messages incorrectly, or sending `getslotlist`, `getslotnamelist`, or any message that will impact the presets, it might cause the [pattrstorage] to get out of sync. In case something like that happens, you can send the `resync` message to the [jsui].