tc.preset is a jsui clone of the preset object, but loaded with more features, such as preset organization through drag and drop, display as a scrollable list, auto-rewrite the saved JSON/XML file after any change.
Contrary to the preset object, tc.preset doesn't work alone and has to be used in conjonction with a pattrstorage object.<modificationclass=""></modification>
<description>Recalls the data from the preset specified by float. If the number falls between two whole numbers (e.g. 1.5), the pattrstorage object will interpolate between the data stored in the preset corresponding to the integer portion of the float and the data stored at the preset numbered one higher (e.g. 1.5 will cause pattrstorage to interpolate 50% between presets 1 and 2). See the interp message for more information about interpolation modes.</description>
<digest>Link to named pattrstorage object</digest>
<description>The word 'pattrstorage' followed by the name of an existing pattrstorage links the jsui to that pattrstorage.
Make sure that pattrstorage outlet is connected to the jsui left inlet prior to send the message.
If the word `pattrstorage`is sent alone, the jsui is unlinked from any pattrstorage.
<digest>Resync the jsui to the pattrstorage</digest>
<description>The word 'resync' will repopulate the jsui with the current preset list from the pattrstorage. It is usefull in case you add/remove/edit presets without using the jsui.
<digest>Lock or unlock selected preset</digest>
<description>The word 'setlock' followed by a 0 or a 1 respectively unlocks or locks the currently selected preset in the jsui.
Note that if select_mode is set to 1, the selected preset is not necessarily the last recalled one.
<digest>Set the name of the selected preset</digest>
<description>The word 'setslotname' followed by a symbol sets that symbol as the name of the currently selected preset in the jsui.
Note that if select_mode is set to 1, the selected preset is not necessarily the last recalled one.
<digest>Set the name of the selected preset</digest>
<description>Same as setslotname. Allows to connect the leftmost outlet of a textedit to the jsui and use it as an interface to rename the selected presets.
<description>When set to 1, the jsui will automatically send a "writeagain" message to its linked pattrstorage anytime a preset have been stored, moved, renamed, (un)locked or deleted, saving any change into the preset file immediately.</description>
<description>When set to 0, all preset slots have the same color (same as the preset object). When set to 1, stored preset slots are colored. See color_1 to color_6 as well as the color_wheel message.</description>
<description>Slot color 1 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>Slot color 2 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>Slot color 3 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>Slot color 4 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>Slot color 5 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>Slot color 6 in RGBA format. Sending this message without arguments resets the color to its default value. Has an effect only when color_mode is enabled.</description>
<description>When set to 1, the jsui will display the ongoing interpolation between presets when a recall message with three arguments or a recallmulti message with at least one argument are sent to the linked pattrstorage.
Notice that the recallmutli message needs to be sent both the pattrstorage and the jsui.</description>
<description>When set to 0, the jsui mimics the default preset object: slots are displayed in a grid. When set to 1, they are displayed as a vertical list, with the preset slots on the left and their name on the right.</description>
<description>When set to 1, you can through the jsui to see all your presets, or at least up to the slot number defined by the min_rows attributes. Currently only works with the list layout.
<description>When set to 1, a single click on a stored preset selects it without recalling it. It allows to drag it, set its name and lock state while keeping the last recalled preset active.
You need to double-click on a stored preset to recall it. If set to 0, stored presets are recalled by a single click (default preset object behavior).
<description>Defines the rounding of the slots corners. A value of zero means square corners. A value equal or superior to half the bubblesize makes the slots as a circle.