- [Download](https://github.com/Teufeuleu/tc.preset/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) this repository (and please consider donating on the [gumroad page](https://glucose47.gumroad.com/l/tc_preset) if you like this package)
- Unzip the downloaded file and place the tc.preset folder in your Max Library package.
- Set the jsui attribute named "pattrstorage" to the name of the pattrstorage you just connected (or send a message like "pattrstorage my_pattrstorage_name")
- Some messages to pattrstorage causes the jsui to be out of sync (`insert`, `lockall`, `read`, `readagain`, `remove`, `renumber`). If you use any of these messages, make sure to then send a `resync` to the jsui.
- The js program send a lot of message to the [pattrstorage] (using `maxobj.message()`syntax, so without patch cord), which in return send (using a patch cord) a lot of messages required for the [jsui] to stay in sync. Using one of the above messages incorrectly, or sending `getslotlist`, `getslotnamelist`, or any message that will impact the presets might cause the [pattrstorage] to get out of sync. In case something like that happens, you can send the `resync` message to the [jsui].